By Paul St. John
September 9, 2010
My Fellow Patriots,
I recently followed a blog of a political race. Some argued that candidate “Alpha” should quit the race since the polls showed that he would only steal votes from the conservative candidate “Beta” and allow the corrupt candidate “Kappa” to win the race and ruin everything. While others still resoundingly reaffirmed candidate Alpha’s decision to see the race through to conclusion and the blog goes back-and-forth.
For those in the first camp, let me ask -
How long should “We the People” remain short on memory, naive and dumb-downed? The truth is that we are rapidly running out of time!
Understand that the strategy of the powerful group that owns and controls the Federal Reserve is to buy up all power centers with the approx. 100 trillion dollars they have stolen from “We the People” for the last 97 years! In sociological terms, power centers are any institutions that influence how people think, act and behave. They have been buying wire services, TV networks, publishing houses, newspapers, motion picture studios, radio networks, the Nobel Prize organization, etc. and political parties as well! They own and control these organizations from the top down!
Especially at this point let us not forget the lessons of history. As historian and philosopher George Santayana so eloquently put it “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
We can no longer afford the lesser of two evils mentality. Why? Because there is not a single incidence in history where this philosophy has worked – not even once! However, there are thousands of examples where being virtuous and doing the righteous thing has worked despite the odds!
Our Founder Fathers didn’t take on the most powerful military force ever assembled by being naïve. They knew that even “one with God” was a majority. George Washington knew the source of the mysterious fog that allowed his rag tag army to escape across the Delaware even though it was not the time of year that fog would normally appear. Our adversary is ruthless, cunning, highly organized and has nearly unlimited resources. That’s what creating money out of nothing will do for you!
When will we smarten up? Let’s take a more in-depth look at candidate Alpha versus Beta who has all the same power center indicators as any establishment-backed candidate. Beta is a career politician who has the backing of one of the two major look-alike parties, he’s a favorite of the media, he’s well funded and he will not take a stand on the two major issues that don’t change from one administration to the next.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a Republican or a Democrat in the Whitehouse or which party controls Congress - monetary policy has not changed since the inception of the Federal Reserve System in 1913! The other establishment sacred cow is foreign policy and particularly our Middle East policy which has not changed since after WWII. So what is left to debate about? Domestic issues such as gay rights, the environment, immigration and the economy are just a few. One thing is for certain, there has been no real discussion about the congressionally sanctioned counterfeiting operation that the Federal Reserve has used to destroy our economy and buy up the world!
What makes any of us think that there’s some sort of salvation through our corrupt two major-party system? We would do well to heed the words of Meyer Amchel Bauer Rothschild, the father of the first international banking cartel who said “Give me control of a nations currency and I care not who makes it laws.”
To date, candidate Alpha is the only one to take a position to abolish the most corrupt and influential power center of all, the Federal Reserve System that has had a monopoly on counterfeiting American currency since 1913, and addressed our failed Middle East policy!
In return, should we reward his courage, tenacity and hard work by asking him to give up his freedom of speech and his candidacy in favor of stepping down from a race where he has offered real solutions and addressed all issues with strong Constitutional “We the People” first answers?
It is my contention that candidate Alpha should be given the opportunity to exercise free speech throughout the entire campaign! Do we have the faith and belief that a person who doesn’t have the establishment power center backing him can win a free election in America at this critical point in our nations’ history?
If you are unaware of how the owners of the Federal Reserve System have scientifically created every recession and depression our country has experienced since 1913 and including our present state of the economy, then I highly recommend you join Patriot Storm and learn from Dr. Richard Davis how America has been fleeced and how to Constitutionally dismantle the Fed forever!
The last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence reads “…and for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence , we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
I would propose to you my fellow patriots, that it was the sincerity of the pledge and depth of their faith that prompted the protection of Divine Providence. If we think we can barter about our faith and sincerity then all is lost.
John Quincy Adams our 6th President and son of John Adams put it this way “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. Do what’s right and leave the results to God.”
In Liberty ,
Paul St. John
(Edited by Jamie Katz)